Dyslexia can make you richer – and the debunking of dyslexia myths
Public engagement talk (open to everyone in Lübeck)
Dr. Léon Franzen will be part of this year’s Nights of open Knowledge, hosted by the University of Lübeck on November 8th and 9th. The organisers have put together a fantastic programme including talks, workshops, and booths. And the best thing is that the entire event will be open to everyone from the general public. Two nights packed with science.
In his talk, Léon Franzen will draw back on his 10 years of experience conducting research on dyslexia. He will debunk common and persistent dyslexia myths, such as people with dyslexia are less intelligent. In addition, he will focus on some surprising strengths that a “dyslexic brain” can give to its owner.
So come and check out his 10-minute lightning talk. It will take place on November 8 at 7pm in the Hörsaal 3 (Audimax, University of Lübeck). A livestream will also be available on YouTube.