Translational Psychiatry

Our research focuses on the pathophysiology of mental disorders, their early detection, and their prevention and treatment.


Distinct Volume Alterations of Thalamic Nuclei Across the Schizophrenia Spectrum
Towards a Better understanding of Persisting Perceptual Disturbances following the use of Classic Psychedelics.
Reduced prevalence of drug-related problems in psychiatric inpatients after implementation of a pharmacist-supported computerized physician order entry system – a retrospective cohort study
Clinical and histopathological characteristics of acute kidney injury in a cohort of brain death donors with procurement biopsies
Alterations of Functional Connectivity Dynamics in Affective and Psychotic Disorders
Aging effects on the encoding/retrieval flip in associative memory: fMRI evidence from incidental contingency learning


We strive to improve the prediction of psychotic disorders in young high-risk patients, and investigate the neurofunctional mechanisms and efficacy of potential innovative treatments such as cannabinoids and psychedelics. We apply a variety of methods in pharmacological and clinical studies.


About us

We are an interdisciplinary team consisting of scientists and health care personnel from the fields of psychiatry, psychology, physicians/medicine, neurosurgery, neurophysiology, mathematics, and biomedical engineering. We drive innovative, translational science forward by combining our diverse set of expertise.



Our research combines clinical excellence in early intervention with extensive expertise in conducting interdisciplinary research in several key areas revolving around psychotic disorders. These include their prediction, neurofunctional and cognitive mechanisms, and efficacy of potential innovative treatments. We run a variety of pharmacological, clinical, and intervention studies that will support the development of tools for individualized prediction and treatment.

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