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Translational Psychiatry hosts partners from psychiatric departments in Denmark for a CAT project’s meeting

The pre-Christmas meeting of the Psychiatric Departments involved in the EU Interreg funded CAT (Child to Adult Transitions) project took place in Lübeck in mid-December. …

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Normative tDCS over V5 and FEF reveals practice-induced modulation of extraretinal smooth pursuit mechanisms, but no specific stimulation effect

Normative tDCS over V5 and FEF reveals practice-induced modulation of extraretinal smooth pursuit mechanisms, but no specific stimulation effect Jan-Ole Radecke, … Stefan Borgwardt, …  …

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Grant for medical Junior Scientists awarded to Dr. Léon Franzen

We congratulate Dr. Léon Franzen on his recent success in being selected as awardee of the junior scientist grant 2024 by the medical faculty of …

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Prof. Borgwardt selected as Highly Cited Researcher in 2023 once again

We congratulate Professor Stefan Borgwardt on being named a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher for the sixth year in a row. This renewed selection is a …

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Lübeck proud to host the Early Career Hallucination Research Network’s Meeting 2023

On November 2nd-3rd, we were proud to host the annual international meeting of the Early Career Hallucination Network (ECHR) themed around predictive processes in hallucinations.  …

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Translational Psychiatry Retreat 2023

Cutting-edge science in translational psychiatry is only possible within a coherent team. For this reason, the Translational Psychiatry lab of professors Stefan Borgwardt and Christina …

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Basal-Forebrain Cholinergic Nuclei Alterations are Associated With Medication and Cognitive Deficits Across the Schizophrenia Spectrum

Basal-Forebrain Cholinergic Nuclei Alterations are Associated With Medication and Cognitive Deficits Across the Schizophrenia Spectrum Julia Schulz, … Stefan Borgwardt … & Mihai Avram   DOI: 10.1093/schbul/sbad118 …

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Effective-connectivity of thalamocortical interactions following d-amphetamine, LSD, and MDMA administration

Effective-connectivity of thalamocortical interactions following d-amphetamine, LSD, and MDMA administration Mihai Avram … Helena Rogg, Alexandra Korda … & Stefan Borgwardt 2023, Biological Psychiatry DOI: …

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NDR radio interview with Prof. Borgwardt on our early detection service BEATS

In a recent radio interview with the NDR Stefan Borgwardt highlighted the wide-ranging support the Baltic Early Treatment Service (BEATS) Lübeck offers to help-seeking adolescents …

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Symposium at the IEPA Conference 2023

The limiting step toward effective prevention and early intervention is the ability to timely identify young people who might be at risk of developing a …

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The serotonin hypothesis in depression – interview with Prof. Borgwardt

A recent article in The Zeit explores the evidence for the serotonin hypothesis of depression including an interview with Stefan Borgwardt. Specifically, it critically examines …

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GISS Early Career Award for Sofia Eickhoff

Picture source: GISS Early Career Award Congratulations to Sofia Eickhoff! Her work on resting-state functional hypoconnectivity of posterior-lateral subdivisions of the basal forebrain cholinergic …

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GISS Best Poster Award for Dr. Léon Franzen

Picture source: GISS Best Poster Award Congratulations to Léon Franzen! His work characterising perceptual decisions and metacognitive abilities in the normal population and patients …

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The non-specific nature of mental health and structural brain outcomes following childhood trauma

The non-specific nature of mental health and structural brain outcomes following childhood trauma Theresa K Haidl, …. Stefan Borgwardt  2023, Psychol Med DOI: 10.1017/S0033291721002439 Abstract …

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Chaos analysis of the cortical boundary for the recognition of psychosis

Chaos analysis of the cortical boundary for the recognition of psychosis Alexandra I. Korda, Christina Andreou, Mihai Avram, Marina Frisman, …, Stefan Borgwardt  2023, J …

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Worldwide study investigates the effect of cannabidiol in the treatment and prevention of psychosis

How effective is cannabidiol in the prevention and treatment psychosis? This question is being investigated in a large-scale study by the British University of Oxford. …

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Innovative European project aims to improve the child to adult transitions of psychiatric and physical care

When adolescents with chronic physical or mental illnesses become adults, their medical care ends in paediatric and adolescent medicine. The departments for adult treatment are …

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The Translational Psychiatry Team joins forces with key psychiatry departments from northern Germany

On March 15th-18th, a small team from the Translational Psychiatry research group met with other innovative psychiatry departments from northern Germany for discussions on a …

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IEPA’s 14th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health

IEPA’s 14th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health Congratulations!  Alexandra Korda received a fund from DAAD Programm to attend the IEPA’s 14th International Conference on …

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Circadian rhythms in auditory hallucinations and psychosis.

Circadian rhythms in auditory hallucinations and psychosis Hong-Viet V Ngo, … Christina Andreou, …  2023, Acta Physiol DOI: 10.1111/apha.13944 Abstract Circadian rhythms are imprinted in …

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